How will my order be shipped?
We will ship using the fastest, most reliable method available. Typically, our smaller, lighter electric fireplaces will be shipped via FedEx. Larger, heavier electric fireplace packages will be shipped via truck freight carrier.
We will notify you by email when your order has shipped. The email will include a tracking number for your shipment. We encourage you to track your package with the carrier online or by phone. Most companies can provide an estimated delivery date. Be sure to contact us if there are any irregularities with the progress of your shipment.
Order Status: For questions regarding order tracking, please email [email protected].
NOTE: The most important thing to remember about truck freight is that when you sign for the delivery you are legally accepting the product as delivered in good condition. Therefore, it is extremely important that you inspect the package for any visible damage prior to signing the delivery receipt. If there is damage to the carton or the product, please write “CONTENTS DAMAGED” clearly on the delivery receipt that the driver is asking you to sign, then sign. This insures that your damage issue will be easily resolved.
Freight Carrier Damage: Please notify us within 24 hours at [email protected].
Receiving Your Shipment:
We are committed to making sure you are satisfied with our products. Your order is inspected prior to shipment to ensure all items are in excellent condition before they leave our facilities. Although our products are packaged securely to prevent any damage it’s possible that in rare cases, damages may occur during shipment.
Before signing for the shipment inspect the carton and contents. You should have a knife, hammer, pry bar and wire cutters on hand to help open the carton. Should you notice any damage, please note it on the bill of lading, refuse the shipment and contact us immediately.
NOTE: We are not responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing damaged items if this is not noted on the shipping receipt. If you are unable to inspect the contents upon delivery, please note “Carton Damaged” on the delivery receipt before signing for any blemishes, wear, wrinkles, tears, tears, moisture, etc. Contents may be damaged by rough handling, such as being dropped, which will only cause minor damage to the carton. Please contact us immediately within 24 hours of delivery to inform us of any damage.